
Astronaut Mike Hopkins: Workout in Space 1

Astronaut Mike Hopkins, a lifelong athlete, worked closely with his strength and conditioning coach Mark Guilliams to develop these specially-designed workouts in orbit. Shown here, Hopkins is using the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device to perform this challenging workout. (100 Pull Ups, Push Ups, Sit Ups and Air Squats each.)

As part of his mission, Hopkins is a participant in a number of going medical studies and research experiments.

Pro K is one area of research Mike is helping with. For this study, the astronauts eat a low protein diet in an effort to minimize bone mineral loss. This will not only help future astronauts on long duration missions, but given the dietary trends in the U.S., this research will have direct public health significance helping us better understand protein-rich diets. Learn more about Pro K: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sta...

Numerous benefits are already being realized from space station science such as vaccine development research, imagery that aids disaster relief and farming, and education programs that inspire future scientists, and engineers are just some examples. To learn more about benefits from ISS, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/iss-science

Staying healthy is important for all astronauts going to space, but lifelong fitness is particularly important to Mike. To follow along with his workouts and other Astronaut workouts and activities, check out: http://www.facebook.com/TrainAstronaut

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